In a surprising yet humorous turn of events, popular Nigerian singer Adekunle Gold recently responded to a social media troll who insulted him, allegedly in hopes of receiving a cash reward similar to the ₦1 million gift singer Chike gave to a troll just a day earlier.
The incident occurred on the social media platform X, where a user with the handle gunzifyØ took a jab at Adekunle Gold, stating, “Adekunle Gold, you dey craze” (meaning “Adekunle Gold, you’re mad”).
The troll’s comment was seemingly an attempt to provoke the singer into giving a reward, similar to the one Chike had given after being insulted.
Rather than reacting with anger or ignoring the comment, Adekunle Gold surprised his followers by replying with a simple yet witty response: “You’re right.” This unexpected reaction left many of his fans in stitches, with a wave of support flooding in for the singer’s calm and humorous approach to the situation.
The exchange has since gone viral, with many praising Adekunle Gold for his cool demeanor and quick wit. This incident highlights the growing trend of celebrities dealing with online trolls in unique and often entertaining ways, turning potentially negative encounters into moments of humor and positivity.
As the conversation around the incident continues, it seems that Adekunle Gold’s response has only further endeared him to his fans, proving once again that sometimes, the best way to handle criticism is with a dose of good-natured humor.