In a live broadcast on Sunday morning, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu addressed the nation amidst ongoing protests, urging protesters and organizers to suspend their actions and engage in dialogue.
The President emphasized the need for unity and collective effort in addressing the country’s challenges.
“Under the circumstances, I hereby enjoin protesters and the organizers to suspend any further protest and create room for dialogue, which I have always acceded to at the slightest opportunity,” President Tinubu stated.
He underscored the importance of collaboration across various divides, saying, “Nigeria requires all hands on deck and needs us all – regardless of age, party, tribe, religion, or other divides, to work together in reshaping our destiny as a nation.”
The President also issued a stern warning to those exploiting the protests to incite division or threaten any part of the country.
“To those who have taken undue advantage of this situation to threaten any section of this country, be warned: The law will catch up with you. There is no place for ethnic bigotry or such threats in the Nigeria we seek to build,” he declared.
The call for dialogue and unity comes at a critical time as Nigeria faces significant socio-economic challenges. President Tinubu’s appeal reflects his administration’s commitment to addressing grievances through constructive engagement and fostering a unified national identity.