Laila Atiku, the daughter of former Nigerian Vice President Atiku Abubakar, is set to marry Saleh Maitala, son of Alhaji Iliyasu Maitala, in a grand ceremony scheduled to take place on Friday, August 23, 2024, at the National Mosque in Abuja.
The forthcoming wedding marks the culmination of a courtship that received formal approval last year when Atiku Abubakar hosted the groom’s family, who sought Laila’s hand in marriage.
Reflecting on the occasion, Atiku expressed his gratitude and joy. “It was much to my delight to host the family of Alhaji Iliyasu Maitala, who had come asking for the hands of one of my daughters, Ms Laila Atiku, in marriage.
“I thank Allah SWT for the opportunity of this day and pray for His grace and mercies upon the new relationship between our two families,” he shared.
The wedding is expected to draw notable figures from across the country, given the prominence of both families.