Omowunmi Aloba, the widow of the late singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, known as Mohbad, has accused her father-in-law, Joseph Aloba, of causing the failed autopsy test that could not determine the actual cause of the singer’s death.
In an interview with a renowned print media, Omowunmi expressed her sorrow and heartbreak since Wednesday following the pathologist’s court testimony. She blamed her father-in-law for the autopsy’s failure, stating that he ignored pleas and hastily buried her husband.
She said: ‘’I have been sad. I have been heartbroken since yesterday when I got the news on what the pathologist said about the autopsy of my husband. When my father-in-law wanted to take him away, I begged him, I pleaded, I cried. Everybody around that place with me cried. My mother-in-law cried but he pushed her away.
“Zlatan Ibile, who is one of my husband’s industry brothers, pleaded but he said no. My husband’s lawyer pleaded but they said no. Bella Shmurda called on the phone and pleaded but my father-in-law said no. Everybody pleaded with my father-in-law but he refused.
“He buried my husband hurriedly. He buried my husband that way. I didn’t even know when he was taking my husband to the morgue. I was inside. I didn’t know when he called the ambulance that took my husband to the morgue. I had to take an Uber to go after them to Ikotun General Hospital.
“My husband did not even sleep in the morgue. He was kept outside till morning. I didn’t even know they wanted to bury my husband. I got to know through the media and I ran down there. They had already put him inside a coffin and his neck was even bent.”
She contended that had Mohbad not been hastily laid to rest, the autopsy could have been conducted, providing her with a clear understanding of what happened to her husband.
“I know the autopsy would have revealed everything for the world to see. For somebody that a nurse gave an injection with almost seven people in the same room, the autopsy could not detect it because he was buried hurriedly. They even placed a heavy stone on my husband’s grave. What for? Nobody deserves to be treated that way after death.
“For the pathologist to have said that in the years that he had been working, he had never seen somebody buried in such a manner, shows how wicked the people who killed my husband are.
“It was my father-in-law and his cohorts that did that to my husband. My husband suffered while alive and suffered in death. His body has been kept inside that morgue for eight months, and now, they could not get the result of the cause of his death because he was buried hurriedly.
“How could a celebrity be buried in such a hurry? And to think that his father was at the scene when he was buried and it was raining heavily but he still allowed them to put my husband inside the grave,” she stated.