Renowned Nigerian dancer and mother of two, Korra Obidi, has garnered substantial support for her legal battle against ex-husband Justin Dean, surpassing $49,000 in donations through her GoFundMe campaign.
Initiated to cover legal expenses, the fundraiser swiftly exceeded its target within hours, illustrating the strong backing from Obidi’s fan base and supporters.
The financial aid is crucial as Obidi navigates a legal dispute with Dean over custody and image rights of their children.
Dean recently secured image rights protection from Meta, Facebook’s parent company, leading to the removal of videos featuring their children from Obidi’s Facebook page and the loss of monetization privileges.
Expressing frustration over the hefty legal costs required to contest Dean’s actions, Obidi turned to social media to raise awareness.
Her GoFundMe campaign aimed to raise $100,000 for legal fees, a goal that gained remarkable traction within just 24 hours of its launch, with donations surpassing $49,000 and continuing to pour in unabated.
While sharing a video via her social media page, she wrote;
“Thank you guys so much! I am grateful”.