In a shocking story reaching, two siblings have been apprehended by the police in Zaria, Kaduna State, after a shocking incident in which they allegedly buried their 16-year-old cousin alive over a missing mobile phone.
The gruesome act, which took place in the Gauraki community of Kufaina Ward, Zaria Local Government Area, has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation, particularly after a video of the event went viral on social media.
The victim, identified as Abubakar, was accused of stealing a mobile phone by his cousins, who then took the law into their own hands.
The two brothers, aged 20 and 17, reportedly dug a hole and buried Abubakar alive, leaving only his head above ground, which they covered with rags. The horrific scene unfolded in an abandoned property near a farm, where Abubakar was left to die.
However, Abubakar’s life was saved when a Good Samaritan heard his faint coughs and raised the alarm.
Nearby farmers rushed to the scene and managed to rescue the teenager, who was in a critical state. The swift intervention of these individuals likely saved Abubakar from a gruesome death.
The State’s Commissioner of Human Services and Social Development, Hajiya Rabi Salisu, expressed her deep shock and dismay over the incident.
“I’ve never seen someone buried alive apart from what we see in films,” she remarked. “This boy, Abubakar, a 16-year-old, was buried by his brothers because of a missing phone. They dug a hole, tied his hands backwards, and sealed his mouth. This is a clear violation of human rights, and the government will not take it lightly.”
Hajiya Rabi Salisu further emphasized that the suspects would face the full weight of the law, as the state government is committed to protecting the rights of children and other vulnerable individuals.
The two brothers are currently in police custody, and the case is expected to be taken to court following the conclusion of the police investigation.
This incident has prompted a renewed call for justice and the protection of children’s rights in Kaduna State, as well as across the country.
The shocking nature of the crime has left the community and the nation grappling with the need for stronger measures to prevent such acts of violence and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable.