In a surprising news reaching, that a man in Zambia was handed a 10-year prison term for having sex with a mentally ill lady four years earlier.
After Masala residents revealed Edwin Sakala had been sleeping with a mentally ill lady, he was detained in March 2019.

According to eyewitness accounts, the guy, who was 29 at the time, used to drag the woman into his apartment every night so they could have sex before bringing her out early the next morning.
His neighbors began to pay closer attention to his movements and he eventually met his waterloo when his neighbors captured him in the act.

He was charged by the Masala police, and after the case dragged on for four years, a judge deemed Sakala guilty and sentenced him to jail.

However, the man was allowed the choice to wed the mentally disabled woman if he doesn’t want to go to jail.
CC: Senior Man